Watch WXIA NBC 11 News Atlanta Ge local breaking news Live stream Online. You can also find 11ALIVE WXIA Weather Forecast which presents the Girls Team. Channel 11 WXIANBC News Live Streaming is an NBC-affiliated television station that works in Atlanta, Georgia cities of the United States. It telecast its transmission on virtual 2 (VHF digital 39 Channel). WXIA is owned by Tegna, Inc Corporation and works under the supervision of duopoly and WXIA Alive My Network TV.
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It has two shared production studios located at One Monroe Place on the north end of midtown Atlanta. Its transmission house is located in the city’s east section, near Kirkwood. The station began telecasting on September 30, 1951, with the theme of (Holding the Powerful Accountable).
WXIA television is an NBC affiliated television network which is also known as VHF digital channel 10 as well as Virtual frequency 11. In the United States, there is a city named Atlanta and the station is authorized in this city. The owner of the station is Tegna Inc Company. At the Midtown of Atlanta, the two stations shared the workplaces at One Monroe.
On the eastern side of Atlanta, the transmitter of this station is located. The first television network which broadcasted the news in high definition is Atlanta’s 11Alive channel. In 1998, WXIA NBC 11 TV station started broadcasting first time in Atlanta. TEGNA Inc. owned and operated WXIA NBC 11.
Its main focus is to deliver content that is beneficial for their communities and the locals of the Atlanta Region by the trusted stories and investigations. WXIA NBC 11 telecasted programs and shows related to community benefits, talk shows, comedy shows, entertainment programs, and many other informative shows.
WXIA NBC 11 Weather App:
On 1st December 2008, the NBC Weather Plus programming is terminated. Despite of the fact WXIA and many other networks continued airing their shows with the help of Radar which is carried signals from The Weather Channel. In 2010 a big achievement of WXIA is the branding of another weather channel named as “11Alive Weather Channel”. By the installation of this weather app, you can get notified of the latest weather trends and accurate weather forecasts. When severe weather strikes this weather, the app is very helpful to people to keep them safe and warns them to stay in their places in case of heavy rain or storm hitting the region of Atlanta.
First Weather Alert:
The first weather alert is the most important factor of meteorologists. AS they have a deep knowledge of weather conditions such as storms, floods, and other dangerous atmospheric phenomena. What you expect in bad weather is explained by the meteorologists in a very clear and authentic way. They can update the information of forecast whether daily forecast, hourly forecast, and 7-day forecasts from their computer models. They use modern technology and future Radar to keep them aware of server weather shortcomings. The maximum radar resolution is 250m which is enough for the meteorologist you have a clear picture of the weather in a region.
By installing a news app of WXIA NBC 11 which is very user-friendly having fast and high performance you can get notified by the latest trends in a market and all the incidents in your region. You can enjoy its features and never miss the latest newscast while driving, going out with friends, sitting in your office, or anywhere in the world. According to the schedule of WXIA NBC 11, you can enjoy the shows and programs on its app or on the official website. You can also share the news on your social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
News Team:
In the area of news programming, engineering WXIA NBC 11 employs more than two hundred men and women in different departments and on different posts. Some are anchors, reporters, newscasters, show hosts, and journalists. For our community, this news team is playing a vital role. Their purpose is to serve the locals of Atlanta with authentic news. They not only deliver the news but also expose problems in society. They help in understanding complex issues in the region and make arrangements to overcome these problems and act as a medium to approach high authority. So, everyone is well aware of the incidents happening anywhere in the world.
Live Streaming:
WXIA provides the viewers the facility of Live Streaming. You can have the access to watch or listen to live news coverage, live weather forecasting, sports coverage, and many more. Just click on a single button on its official website via phone, tablet, or any device. By installing the app on Google Play Store, you can also enjoy Live Streaming of the WXIA NBC 11 television network. For a better news experience, there is no other best choice rather than Live streaming and enjoy nonstop buffering of videos in very good quality and high resolution.